Sunday, March 20, 2011

Being More Vocal

After our first week's discussion about being more politically active, I got to thinking.  I really have not been active AT ALL when it comes to public education.  As the weeks progressed, public education became more and more a focal point in the news at the local and state levels here in Indiana.  It became clear that I could no longer just close myself up in the classroom and let others take the lead.  It became inevitable that I become more vocal.

I attended my first rally as a teacher this past February.  It was an undeniably moving experience.  Teaching can be an isolated experience even though I am surrounded by over 800 people daily.  The temperature was hovering around zero degrees that day, but I felt warm in the thought that the people milling around me were likeminded and empathetic to what I experience everyday.  The occasional car horn was an audible "high five" that punctuated the strong feeling of camaraderie that day.

Over on Facebook, I "liked" Support Indiana Teachers.  I'm not sure if the link will work for those not on Facebook.  There I found many links to articles that one day I hope to read in their entirety.  I am grateful for the creators and contributors of the page for listing so many references.  Here is a partial list of articles on my list to read.  I am posting them here where I know the links will work so those not on Facebook can have access to them.

Parents Deserve to Know Before It's Too Late
Indiana Lawmakers Work on Teacher Merit Pay Bill
Waking the Sleeping Education Giant
Wrong Assumptions Can Harm Hoosier Children
American Ills Not Caused by Unions
Policing the Rush to Charter Schools
Today's Lesson for Parents - Get Involved
Teachers Speak Out Against State Education Agenda
Race to the Bottom: Ravitch Says 'School Reformers' Scapegoat Teachers, Ignore Poverty
We Cannot Solve the Problems with Tests by Creating MORE of Them
Education Reform Fires of Valley Residents
Charter School Debate Simmers at Statehouse
Why Teacher Bashing is Dangerous

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